Applied Innovation Announces New User Group Programs

For many years, Applied Innovation has been very responsive to customer support inquiries and has offered retraining for user team members on the functionality of our solutions. We have often found the practice of connecting customers with one another has provided excellent opportunities for benchmarking best practices.

Effective March 2023, we will be offering periodic online user programs designed to offer the following: 

  • Updates on our solutions
  • Reviews of functionality you may not realize exists
  • Highlights of new release changes
  • Opportunities for users to share ideas and ask questions
  • Open Q&A among client and Applied Support team

Our March 29, 2023 inaugural session will also include the following topics:

  • The best methods to request support assistance
  • Scheduling new hire and advanced training
  • Efficient management of your conduit
  • How and when to refresh your database
  • Cost effectively managing your data within Client Access Web
  • Best practices of platform management

Keep tuned in for the publication of future programs. You can register for the March 29th program here:–tqDwqGtEXKcY9PLKlRbMe5b_33Bob

Published On: March 9th, 2023Categories: Company NewsBy
